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Boundless Brilliance

Managing educational workshops and a growing volunteer database

Boundless Brilliance is a non-profit based out of LA with the goal of educating and empowering students in order to close the gender gap in STEM fields. Boundless Brilliance has grown to over 200 volunteers. The increased number of volunteers and schools supported has also drastically increased the degree of complexity in managing workshops. The current system uses spreadsheets and requires comprehensive onboarding into existing systems and is inconvenient to use.

Our goal was to build an internal website that will serve as a hub for managing all workshops. Our scheduling platform would allow easy, speedy communication between admins and volunteers, saving time on both ends and enabling more workshops to be available for students.

Sept 2022 - Mar 2023
1 Co-Designer
1 Product Manager
1 Tech Lead
5 Developers
UI/UX Design